Class 12 Computer Most Important Question


Object-Oriented Programming

  • 1.Define Objected Oriented Paradigm
  • 2.Features of oops-object, class, abstractions, encapsulation, polymorphism and inheritance.
  • 3.What is inheritance? explain different types of inheritance.
  • 4.Differences between POC and OOP differences between structure programming vs OOP.



  • 1.Explain SDIC phases.
  • 2.Teasilibility study and its types.
  • 3.Requirement collection method.
  • 4.System analyst-role-characteristics.
  • 5.What is testing? types of testing techniques.
  • 6.Different types of system testing (blackbox - whitebox).
  • 7.System analyst VS software engineer.
  • 8.Explain DFD with it’s symbols of examples.
  • 9.ER diagram/symbol and examples.
  • 10.Documentation definition/importance/types
  • 11.Software quality-it’s characteristics.
  • 12.Types of SLDS – Waterfall, Prototype and Agile model.


  • Define pointer. Write down the advantages and disadvantages of pointer. write a program to swap any two numbers using pointer.

  • To check odd/even using pointer.

  • Define function. WAP to find SI using function.

  • What is recursive function? WAP in c to calculate factorial of a number using recursive function.

  • What is recursion? write a recursive function to find fibonacci value of input number.

  • Write a recursive function to find sum of a numbers input by user.

Important questions of PHP

  • Define PHP. Write the features and applications of PHP.

  • Write a PHP program to find factorial of number.

  • To find odd/even.

  • Database connection code.

  • Create database - database connections.

  • Create table – database connections.

  • Insert table – database connections.

  • Reverse number

Important questions of javascript

  • WAP in javascript to find area of four walls.

  • To find odd/even.

  • To find negative, positive or zero.

  • To find divisible by 7 and 13 or not.

  • Greatest number between three numbers.

  • Smallest number between 2 numbers.

  • To check prime or composite.

  • Reverse of input number.

  • Sum of digits.

File handling

  • WAP to create a data file named ‘student.dat’ and store roll number, name and address of 10 students and display the records in paper format.

  • Let a database ‘book.txt’ contain information of books(name, price and edition).WAP in c language to add some more data and print the records of book having price……..

  • WAP to read the marks of 5 students of English, account and computer and count how many students were passed or failed.

Structure and array

  • WAP to read any ten integer numbers into array sort and display it into descending order.

  • WAP using structure to input employee id, name and salary the print the entered data in sorted format on the basis of salary form(highest to lowest).

  • WAP to enter name, roll no and marks of 10 students and sort them in alphabetical orders according to their name.

  • WAP to ask employee id, name and salary of some employee and displays the records whose salary rangers from 50000 to 100000

Chapter-7(5 marks)

  • Define Ai? explain it’s components and applications.

  • Robotics definition and it’s applications.

  • What is cloud computing? Write it’s advantages and disadvantages.

  • Explain different cloud server.

  • What is bigdata? Explain different kinds of bigdata.

  • Explain character of bigdata.

  • Explain application of bigdata.

  • Explain VR with it’s applications area? Write advantages and disadvantages of it.

  • Define E-commerce. write advantages and disadvantages.

  • What is E-medicine and E-governance.

  • What is mobile computing? Write advantages and disadvantages.

  • What id ID? Write advantages and disadvantages.

  • Explain E-learning and M-commerce.

  • Explain social media with advantages and disadvantages.