2.Features of oops-object, class, abstractions, encapsulation, polymorphism and inheritance.
3.What is inheritance? explain different types of inheritance.
4.Differences between POC and OOP differences between structure programming vs OOP.
1.Explain SDIC phases.
2.Teasilibility study and its types.
3.Requirement collection method.
4.System analyst-role-characteristics.
5.What is testing? types of testing techniques.
6.Different types of system testing (blackbox - whitebox).
7.System analyst VS software engineer.
8.Explain DFD with it’s symbols of examples.
9.ER diagram/symbol and examples.
10.Documentation definition/importance/types
11.Software quality-it’s characteristics.
12.Types of SLDS – Waterfall, Prototype and Agile model.
Define pointer. Write down the advantages and disadvantages of pointer. write a program to swap any two numbers using pointer.
To check odd/even using pointer.
Define function. WAP to find SI using function.
What is recursive function? WAP in c to calculate factorial of a number using recursive function.
What is recursion? write a recursive function to find fibonacci value of input number.
Write a recursive function to find sum of a numbers input by user.
Important questions of PHP
Define PHP. Write the features and applications of PHP.
Write a PHP program to find factorial of number.
To find odd/even.
Database connection code.
Create database - database connections.
Create table – database connections.
Insert table – database connections.
Reverse number
Important questions of javascript
WAP in javascript to find area of four walls.
To find odd/even.
To find negative, positive or zero.
To find divisible by 7 and 13 or not.
Greatest number between three numbers.
Smallest number between 2 numbers.
To check prime or composite.
Reverse of input number.
Sum of digits.
File handling
WAP to create a data file named ‘student.dat’ and store roll number, name and address of 10 students and display the records in paper format.
Let a database ‘book.txt’ contain information of books(name, price and edition).WAP in c language to add some more data and print the records of book having price……..
WAP to read the marks of 5 students of English, account and computer and count how many students were passed or failed.
Structure and array
WAP to read any ten integer numbers into array sort and display it into descending order.
WAP using structure to input employee id, name and salary the print the entered data in sorted format on the basis of salary form(highest to lowest).
WAP to enter name, roll no and marks of 10 students and sort them in alphabetical orders according to their name.
WAP to ask employee id, name and salary of some employee and displays the records whose salary rangers from 50000 to 100000
Chapter-7(5 marks)
Define Ai? explain it’s components and applications.
Robotics definition and it’s applications.
What is cloud computing? Write it’s advantages and disadvantages.
Explain different cloud server.
What is bigdata? Explain different kinds of bigdata.
Explain character of bigdata.
Explain application of bigdata.
Explain VR with it’s applications area? Write advantages and disadvantages of it.
Define E-commerce. write advantages and disadvantages.
What is E-medicine and E-governance.
What is mobile computing? Write advantages and disadvantages.
What id ID? Write advantages and disadvantages.
Explain E-learning and M-commerce.
Explain social media with advantages and disadvantages.
Class 12 Computer Most Important Question
Reviewed by SciencEpic Nepal
September 09, 2024
Rating: 5